Tag Archives: the vortex

TOO MANY SWEETS launch at the Vortex

Had a brilliant time at the album launch party for my BRC album TOO MANY SWEETS on Tuesday at The Vortex in Dalston, London. Lovely crowd. Good to chat with Matthew Shlomowitz about the album and my music in more general terms. Amazing performance by Yshani Perinpanayagam of Drip Feeder. Great to play Love Letters with Hannah Williams too.

Dan Stern performance

Jalapeno Slammer by ben_oliver_music

This is a live recording of my piece for Dan Stern’s Woodwork, Jalapeno Slammer.  Featuring Dan Stern (tenor saxophone), Rowland Sutherland (flute), Adam Bishop (bass clarinet), Andrew McCormack (piano), Will Collier (bass), and Laurie Lowe (drums).

I hope you agree that the musicians did me proud!